;Logfile c:\RBLcheck.log ;LogLevel 2 ;ConLevel 2 ;TriggerLevel 10 ;RBL Name DNS Score RBL dsbl list.dsbl.org 10 ; see http://dsbl.org/ RBL spamcop bl.spamcop.net 5 ; see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml RBL abuseat cbl.abuseat.org 5 ; see http://cbl.abuseat.org/ ;RBL visi relays.visi.com 5 ; see http://relays.visi.com/ (seems to be gone) RBL spamhaus sbl.spamhaus.org 10 ; see http://www.spamhaus.org/sbl/ RBL njabl dnsbl.njabl.org 5 ; see http://www.njabl.org/ RBL ahbl dnsbl.ahbl.org 5 ; see http://www.ahbl.org/ RBL habeas hil.habeas.com 5 ; see http://www.habeas.com/receivers/blacklist.php ; This is a special one: it lists hosts that are sending out viruses. ;RBL virbl virbl.dnsbl.bit.nl 5 ; see http://virbl.bit.nl/ ; Seems ony to work for the Netherlands, and is quite slow... :-( ; Above lines are included as an example. Although the program will do it's ; job with those, you should choose the RBL's to use and the scores carefully. ; See the documentation for tuning and Internet sources of RBL's. ;SkipIP ; example, as the loopback range gets filtered out already ;HitIP SomeSpammer 10 ; example ;SkipLastHops 0 ;HaltAtTrigger 0 ;VersionStamp 1 ;LookupTimeout 30 ;ReturnCode 0 ;Xheaders 0 ;ReportInSubject 0 ; The last line should always be completely empty!