v2.3 - 2005-06-09 - FEATURE: Report to subject line (for clients with limited filter capabilities) v2.2 - 2005-02-02 - FEATURE: New set of X-RBLcheck headers, optimized for bayesian filtering (as used in Thunderbird). - FEATURE: Profiles, selectable from a command line parameter. - FIXED: Some DNS servers return an IP address of a 'page not found' website if the name cannot be resolved. RBLcheck now checks whether the resulting IP address is in the 127.x.x.x range. v2.1 - 2005-01-03 - CHANGED: Header parsing has improved, it now first tries to find an IP address according to the RFC, if not found it will grab the last string that looks like an IP address. The keyword ReceivedRFC has been dropped because of this. - FEATURE: New keyword HitIP, which is the opposite of SkipIP. If the trigger is reached by use of HitIP, and HaltAtTrigger is set to 1, no DNS lookups will occur. (Fast!) v2.0 - 2004-11-07 - FEATURE: Parallel DNS requests; major performance gain! - FEATURE: Adjustable DNS lookup timeout - FEATURE: Each handled email gets a unique id, which is used on every log line. This helps identifying log entries when 2 or more instances of RBLcheck run at the same time. - FEATURE: Follows RFC to find IP-address in header line or (configurable) use anything that looks like an IP-address anywhere within header line. - FEATURE: Return code (error level) can be configured to reflect the result. - CHANGED: Default for TriggerLevel is now 10. All score values in the shipped RBLcheck.ini are now integers (in fact they are multiplied by 10). v1.5 - 2004-07-27 - FIXED: Files are closed as soon as possible to prevent file locking. - FIXED: Large messages were handled very slow. v1.4 - 2004-04-23 - FIXED: Tabs are now allowed in ini file - FEATURE: Use RxSock.dll instead of host.exe, better error handling of lookup conditions - FEATURE: Logging to screen, independent of logging to logfile - FEATURE: Version number of RBLcheck can be added in header - FEATURE: Sample ini file has new/changed RBL's, as used by author (multihop.dsbl and unconfirmed.dsbl removed, because dsbl is quite slow) v1.3 - 2004-03-21 - FEATURE: Stop checking as soon as triggerlevel is reached - FEATURE: Last hops of message can be skipped v1.2 - 2004-02-01 - FIXED: If hit(s) found but final score is 0, it creates the header X-RBLcheck: negative v1.1 - 2004-01-24 - FIXED: Better error handling - FIXED: Check each IP address only once, even if found in more Received headers - FIXED: Only 1st line of folded header line was interpreted - FIXED: Now only the from field of the Received header is being searched for an IP address - FIXED: Don't check private, reserved or loopback IP address ranges - FEATURE: Levels of logging, including no logging - FEATURE: Configurable IP addresses to not test (SMTP servers of provider) v1.0 - 2004-01-11 - First public version