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System requirements

  • Runs on OS/2 or eCS with REXX installed.
  • Uses ‘RxSock.dll’ from TCP/IP package to check RBL’s. (c:\tcpip\dll\rxsock.dll)
  • Works on any email client or server that’s able to execute a remote program on a file, containing the complete message, including all headers.
  • Works on any email client that uses POP3 to fetch messages, through the POPprxy package.

Tested with:

Should work with (not tested by me, maybe by others):

  • OS/2 Warp 3.0 or higher, eCS 1.0 and 1.1
  • MPTS and TCP/IP packages installed
  • RexxMail (build 20040114.162927 or later)
  • Any POP3 email client (including Mozilla mail and Thunderbird) through the separate POPprxy package

Won’t work with:

  • IMAP mail clients that have no user exits
  • POP3 over SSL mail clients that have no user exits

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