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For now, this program is copyright by me. You may use it, but not alter or spread it. I’m considering a GPL… but until then, you may only use it as-is.
Read also the copyright and disclaimer in the documentation (RBLcheck.txt).
This program isn’t related with other programs named rblcheck, e.g. the one on sourceforge. I noticed their existence a few days after releasing v1.0. Sorry for the name confusion I might have caused… should I’ve named mine RBLcheck/2 ? 😉

Latest version of RBLcheck is v2.3 (9-jun-2005), download here. (changelog)
Updated RBLcheck.ini (17-jan-2007), download here.
Latest version of POPprxy is v1.0 (2-feb-2005), download here.

Related stuff: many.ini – contains more than 25 RBL’s. Please read the documentation about tuning, before using!

The RBL at was closed recently.
To prevent timeouts within RBLcheck, I highly recommend to edit RBLcheck.ini and remove the line that lists

Spamhaus intruduced 2 new RBLs. One is for policy-based blacklisting, and the other is a new combined RBL for all RBLs from Spamhaus.
The policy-based list contains client IP-ranges of providers, who should mail through their provider instead of directly to you. However, since RBLcheck checks the complete path, it will also find the first (legitimate) hop from client to provider.
So, don’t use, just keep in your RBLcheck.ini.

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